Coffee break

Text: Natalia Remmer

It was the Arab-Muslim culture that turned the coffee into a hot drink - before this grain of wild-growing wood found in Ethiopia, it was simply chewed RAW.

In Arabia, a guest is greeted with a cup of coffee with the addition of cardamom or ginger, and the ritual of preparing coffee from the Arabs has remained unchanged for several centuries. If the guest meets in the desert, coffee is prepared on hot coals. Before giving the guest a drink, the owner pours coffee into his cup and tries it, making it clear that the drink is ready. Then the coffee is poured into small oval cups without handles - “Fingang” - and distributed to the guests. A glass of cold water is always served with the cup. In parting, a cloud of aromas of pink marash water, sprinkled on hand, and burnt sandalwood Bahur, envelops guests.

With a touch of luxury

In the United Arab Emirates, in ancient traditions used to add a touch of luxury. So, in the fashionable Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi, in the cafe Le Café, guests are served an exclusive "Palace Cappuccino" with light foam, sprinkled with 24-carat gold chips.

Drink price - Only 58 dirhams.

Where to try: Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi at Le Café


Just as a bunch of elite wines are made from several grape varieties, from the coffee beans collected in several regions, the master prepares the perfect mix for Arabic coffee.

To prepare coffee in Arabic - a traditional Bedouin drink - usually use a mixture (or blend) of three varieties: Arabica, Robusta and mocha, which is boiled three times to achieve a mild flavor.

  • Several Dalla copper coffee pots are placed on copper stands
  • At the first stage, the grains are fried with the addition of ginger or cardamom in a special metal frying pan - “mahmasa”, then they are placed in a cylindrical copper mortar “yaal havan” and grind well.
  • Ground coffee is poured into a coffee pot, poured with water and brought to a boil.
  • Then the drink is poured into the second coffee pot.
  • After a few seconds, the coffee is again placed in the first coffee pot, boiled and again returned to the second.
  • This procedure is carried out three times. As a filter, the mesh part of palm tree leaves is used.

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