Design "My Matryoshka"

The first Russian nesting doll was created by Vasily Zvezdochkin according to the design of Sergey Malyutin in 1890 on the model of the Japanese doll of the sage Fukurum. Traditionally, nesting dolls are designed in different styles - from simple folklore to a real work of art. They always blend perfectly together. This property gave the name "Matryoshka Principle" (Myse en abyme), used in painting, when the characters are located opposite each other, and, like in mirrors, reflect each other indefinitely.

The design of jewelry with nesting dolls is a coded message about the unsurpassed femininity of their owner, her commitment to traditional values.

The Russian Passion collection is opened by My Matryoshka design. This wooden doll has become a symbol of Russian folk art. She is a miniature personification of the image of the Russian beauty and primordially national values: family, heredity, continuity. Pupae hidden in one another express the sacramental connection of generations. Matryoshka is a symbol of the feminine and motherhood.

Watch the video: The first secret of great design. Tony Fadell (July 2024).