Clinics face a million fine for photographing patients in the UAE

Medical institutions from the United Arab Emirates, invading the personal lives of patients, face a new fine.

Health facilities that invade the privacy of patients may face a new fine in the UAE.

By decision of the Federal National Council, a fine of between a thousand and a million dirhams (from $ US 272 to $ 272 thousand) may be imposed for publishing photos taken during operations on social networks without patient permission.

Health facilities also run a six-month suspension period.

Medical personnel who violate the provisions of the new law may also lose their license for up to one year and receive a fine of up to 500 thousand dirhams ($ US 136 thousand).

For publishing advertisements about health services without a license from the Ministry of Health, a fine of 100 to 200 thousand dirhams ($ US 27 - 54 thousand) is supposed.

For publishing health information in the UAE without the prior consent of the ministry, you can get a fine of between 500 and 700 thousand dirhams ($ US 136 - 190 thousand).

The law also gives the ministry the right to block sites in and outside the UAE if they violate the provisions of the new law.

The law provides for some exceptions - for example, it takes into account the need for information to be transmitted to insurance companies, officials of the judicial or inspection bodies, as well as those cases when the data should be used for scientific research.

As soon as the law is approved by the Cabinet and issued by the President, it will enter into force one month after its publication in the official gazette.

Watch the video: Slaves of Dubai (July 2024).