Arab Emirates complain of interception of civil aircraft by Qatar

The United Arab Emirates appealed to ICAO the interception by fighters of Qatar UAE civilian aircraft.

On Monday, it was announced that the UAE filed a formal complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) after repeated interceptions of civilian aircraft from the UAE by Qatar fighters.

According to Saif Mohammed Al Suwaydi, Director General of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (GCAA), the UAE filed a detailed complaint in accordance with Article 54 of the Chicago Convention, which takes into account the national interests of ICAO Member States.

“Qatar’s aggressive actions against UAE civilian aircraft are deliberate violations of international covenants and conventions governing the civil aviation industry and pose a threat to the safety of civilian courts. The UAE is categorically against such actions,” the official said.

Mr. Al Suwaydi said that these provocations are "unfounded", and added that the level of safety of passengers and crew members has been increased.

The head of the department said that the date for consideration of the complaint will be determined by ICAO later.

Recall that last week, Qatar fighters approached two civilian planes from the UAE during scheduled scheduled flights.

In January, a similar incident occurred when Qatar’s military aircraft intercepted two other civilian aircraft, endangering the safety of passengers and crew and violating international laws and conventions.

Watch the video: Qatar files UN complaints after UAE violates airspace (July 2024).