Not a couple. The unity of opposites

They met by chance. Alexander Shoua is a man born in Abkhazia, the city of Sukhumi, and Muscovite Victoria Talyshinskaya. That was in 2002. They say that for the birth of something non-trivial it is necessary for the stars to come together at the right time and in the right place. They converged. And the amazing duet "Nepara" was born, not shined in secular chronicles, gossip or scandals. The duet began to speak from the stage about eternal values ​​- love, fidelity, hope, faith. There are only three albums in their discography, but what albums! In 2003, the debut album of the duet “Another Family” was released, 2006 was the year of the release of the album “All Over”, and in 2009, “Nepara” presents its third album, “Doomed / Betrothed”, to the audience.

We were lucky. The Nepara duet visited Dubai with a recital, which took place on November 7 in the hall of the luxurious Burj Al Arab hotel. We talked about creativity, spectators, hobbies and outlooks on life first with Alexander, and then with Victoria. And so it turned out two small and completely different interviews. Unlike Yin and Yang. Unpaired ...


Good evening, Alexander. We rarely have concerts in Dubai, when artists give all the best like that, to the fullest ...

We are not done yet.

Yes, we noticed that. For starters - a mandatory program and a traditional question. Did you come to Dubai for the first time with such a concert?

We have already arrived in Dubai, but for the first time I see the Burj Al Arab hotel so close and, moreover, the first time I am inside. Since Burj Al Arab is still the symbol of a luxurious vacation in Dubai, I am glad that we are here. Soon, the tallest tower, which exceeds 800 meters, will most likely become the main symbol of the city. But she will probably symbolize another, financial, Dubai. Here at the hotel you feel that everything in it is dedicated to real relaxation. Of course, we have already visited and performed in Dubai once. Here on the pier, next to ...

At Madinat Jumeirah?

I honestly don’t even know what it is. Our friends invited us there, and we sang.

Have you ever had a rest in the Emirates?

No never. Honestly, I personally can’t do it with rest, because we have a girl in the team alone, and in fact, only she rests. And everyone else is busy in the studio, then somewhere else.

It turns out that you do not have any opportunities for relaxation?

There is, but when free time is given out, I spend it at home. I dig in the photographs - get out the old films, show them, print something. Or poking around with a motorcycle ...

Incidentally, in an interview I read that your main hobby is photography.

Well, I would not call it the main one, let's say, I like taking pictures. I’ll even tell you that, I like film cameras more, and I’m not a supporter of the “numbers”.

What else are you fond of?

Motorcycles. Here, guys tell me that I forgot about fishing. Yes, I really like to fish. This summer we have not missed a single day. We were all the time in the south, and missed only a couple of days due to some transfers from place to place. And so, every day of God we sat on the sea and caught something.

So, do you still have time to rest?

Only in the morning, in the evenings, he is already gone.

So, despite the crisis, you have a tight schedule?

I would also like to think that it is tight, and filled to capacity. But, you know, we come up with it for ourselves. As soon as a little free time appears, we ourselves create employment. We’re going to the studio, for example. Then, we have a PR department that organizes our free time and tries to load us to such an extent that there are no words. Vika can’t stand this department of ours at all, because every time she wants to go somewhere, a phone rings from the PR service, and the girl says that today such a magazine has planned shooting or interviews, and so on. That is, they don’t give us peace, and, thank God, that is so.

Let me ask you a question related to the repertoire. You do not have many songs filled with positive. Why?

Let me disagree with you. Firstly, because the manifestation of any feeling is happiness. You just think about how many people today feel nothing. Just like yesterday, like the day before yesterday ... The methods of expressing feelings are different, and times are always the same. My father said that now, they say, time has passed, and my grandfather spoke the same way. But if it passed, we would not have anything today. And now I personally think that today, and yesterday, and the day before, every day, we have the same thing - people don’t feel anything. The part of people who can empathize with us or on their own is a huge happiness. And this is positive.

So, do you think that the main thing is emotions?

Yes, emotions are already wonderful. Minus or plus - what's the difference. Life does not happen only bad, it happens good.

I noticed that, despite the time spent on the stage and how you gave your best at the concert, you are also emotionally charged.

We are usually all emotionally charged and always good.

And what contributes to this?

Yes, actually, your positive, probably. Those people who are sitting in the hall, and those who stand on the balcony, and those who dance, and those who applaud. Coming to the stage today, I thought several times that if the first song doesn’t work out, I’ll lay my bones so that the tenth goes, so that the audience understands and accepts us. True, I knew for sure that something should happen right away, from the first song. And it happened, thank God. They were waiting for us here, and it was visible and very pleasant.

Alexander, what did you do until 2002, when the duet "Nepara" appeared?

I’ve been doing music all my life. All my conscious life. Nothing more. It takes all my main time, a hobby does not count. From the age of four I went to a music school, studied piano. I didn’t get on the pedals, and books were planted for me to play.

Tell me, it’s very difficult to reach the hearts of the audience. What students like, don't like ...

I do not like what students like. I personally don’t like it. If you are talking about the total mass of students, about the movements that exist today, about the collegial council of students, then they have their own separate story. Among students there are our students, colleagues and fans. We do not distinguish listeners by age or status, by life guidelines or religion. If they listen to us, then they hear us.

You write songs that make people forgive, love, help each other ...

Thank God, I only write music, and the lyrics to it are written by those people who really know how to forgive and know how to empathize, they know how not to get nervous at the moment when I explode. These are the people who, so to speak, are real opposition to me. Because when I write music, I just have a brain explosion. But the texts they write are, in fact, brilliant. I never succeeded, for example, to fold two lines. But I probably do not need it. Here they are - not me, masters of the word. We only sing it. You will understand what I was talking about when talking with Vika ...


Hello, Victoria. You travel a lot around the world. Tell me, is the Dubai audience somehow different from any other, moreover, it’s from living abroad?

Probably yes, different. The atmosphere of this room, so pathos and very beautiful, I like. I like club performances where people can go out, dance between tables, relax. Although I can’t say that the concert in the big hall, where people buy tickets and come to listen to us, is less important for me. No, just all the concerts that we usually go on tour with are just those. There is no place for dancing, chatting. And in large halls it is much more difficult for us to rock the audience, but here everything is very fun. In general, I liked it.

Victoria, we already asked this question to Alexander, and what did you do before the Nepara duet appeared?

Well, if in a few words, then in childhood I practiced ballet. Then, from the age of nine, she began to study music and sing in the children's ensemble "Grenada". Then I studied in a two-year studio at the Gnesinsky College, and I was selected for the main exam in the staging of the State Jewish Musical Theater "Le Chaim", in which they staged a play by Sholom Aleichem "Wandering Stars". I was given the main role of the 16-year-old Raise, and I myself was just 16 years old. So I became an artist of the theater and at the same time studied at GITIS. But it so happened that at one of the parties with my friends, we met Sasha. At that time I was still studying at the institute, and we decided to try to do something of our own. Worked for some time in clubs, sang at parties, birthdays. Until we were noticed by our producer, with whom we are working now.

You have an education as an actress, and the clips with your participation are just wonderful. Have you tried yourself in the cinema?

I would love to try, and I had one, very small episode in the film "Red Heat", but I would not even talk about it, if not for the actor Michael York, with whom I was lucky to act together. To my deepest regret, I have not yet been offered good roles in the cinema or theater. I would love to star in a movie or play in a play or an entreprise, if this does not interfere with the tour schedule.

Please tell me where you come from?

I am a native Muscovite, born and raised in Moscow, like my parents. Sasha came from Abkhazia.

Victoria, they say that you collect dolls. What else, besides creativity, are you fond of?

I have many hobbies. I am a furious gamer, I love computer games. I am a fan of the Sims games, now there are already versions of the Sims-2, Sims-3 ...

Do you still have time for games?

Not many, but, however, for several years of the game I managed to download from the Internet 10 thousand files for "Sims-2". Also, I do not ignore other games, I sit at night. This is my way to relax and relax.

With such a busy schedule, night gatherings in front of a computer, how do you manage to stay in such great shape?

In fact, everything is not so simple. Until a certain age, I simply did not have a predisposition to gain weight, thank God. But over the past couple of years, I realized that I was gaining too much, and immediately ran to the gym. I’m doing it now. I have a wonderful coach. And when I'm in Moscow and not on tour, I try to go to the gym every day and play sports for two hours. But, anyway, regularity does not work, because for a week I go to the gym, and for a week I’m on the road.

You have a very interesting repertoire, not like what other performers sing. How did you come to the songs that are so close to people who are experiencing the same problems that you sing?

In fact, we did not do anything special. We have different songs, among which there are a lot of funny ones, they are also on our disks. But we, having analyzed all our performances and seeing the reaction of the audience, came to the conclusion that people are more responsive to such suffering, lyrical compositions. Indeed, sadly, each of us has or has had a story of unhappy love in our lives, so this topic is probably close to many.

Has there ever been such a piercing love in your life that you sing about in your songs?

Of course. Otherwise, I would not have been able to believably sing.

Victoria, one of your hits is the song "Another Family". Does each duet have their own family?

You know, we have such an agreement that we never specifically say anything about personal life. This is our mystery, mystery. Frankly, to myself. I really want to have children, and today it is my main dream. I love children very much and I hope that my dream will come true, God willing.

Is this your first time in Dubai?

No, we are here for the second time.

Have you already seen the city? What impressions did he leave?

We did not have time to see the sights. But they swam in the sea, and this, of course, is wonderful. Especially, after a snowy Moscow winter, come here and get into thirty-degree water. It is just perfect. Today I did not crawl out of the sea all day.

Where do you usually like to relax?

I love when it's warm. I really love water, I like to swim and engage in water sports, especially active ones. Although, I also like skiing. The truth is not from extreme, but from slides that are more or less safe. But, nevertheless, I like warmth and the sea more, and, considering that we have only two vacations a year, I try to choose warm countries for relaxation. In summer it is easier - Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey. The choice is great. In winter it is more difficult - either a distant flight somewhere to the islands, or Egypt, the Emirates. So tomorrow we have a day off, and I will try to spend it on the beach.

Who is working on your style? Do you always have very original clothes?

My mom picks up a wardrobe. She always deals with my costumes for the stage, and I'm probably one of the few women who just hate shopping. I do not like to measure things, go shopping, pick up my clothes. Therefore, at our place there is a mannequin made by my standards, and my mother chooses me outfits for every day and for the stage. By the way, she came to Dubai with me, because she had never been to the Emirates before.

Do you have dreams that, having been made in childhood, have already been fulfilled?

Many of my dreams came true. I wanted to be an actress - and I was her, and I hope I will be. I wanted to sing, and I'm singing now. Now I want children, and I hope that everything will come true.

What would you like to wish our readers on the eve of Christmas and New Year?

First of all, I want to wish that, if possible, all the goals that you set for yourself in life, as well as all your desires, be fulfilled. And the most important thing in this life is to love and be loved. I wish health and well-being to your families, parents, children and just loved ones.

Thank you so much, Victoria. See you in Dubai.

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