Exhibition "Leisure / Leisure 2010". Everyone starts!

From September 21 to September 24, 2010 the 16th International Tourism Exhibition "Leisure / Leisure-2010", organized by EUROEXPO CJSC / ITE LLC MOSCOW, will be held in Moscow. The venue of the event is the Crocus Expo international exhibition center (65-66 km of Moscow Ring Road).

It should be noted that in parallel with the exhibition “Leisure / Leisure-2010”, quite young but already successful projects are held as part of the Moscow International Autumn Week of Travel Industry Professionals MATIW - the exhibition of exclusive tourism “LUXURY Leisure” and the forum for the business tourism industry “MIBEXPO Russia” , which allows you to cover all sectors of the tourism industry, and significantly expand the boundaries of cooperation.

Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation A.I. Yarochkin invited Russian and foreign travel industry specialists to Moscow and, in particular, said: “The tourism industry, as one of the main spheres of the economy of any state, needs constant development. Russia is a country famous for its ancient history, beautiful nature and impressive tourism potential We must work hard together to develop inbound and outbound tourism in our country. The Leisure exhibition is that unique platform that unites foreign and Russian specialists, provides ample opportunities for establishing cooperation, sharing experience and improving the qualifications and creative initiatives of industry professionals.

The Federal Tourism Agency has traditionally supported the Moscow International Autumn Week of Travel Industry Professionals MATIW. We invite all tourism industry experts from all over the world to take part in this project from September 21 to 24, 2010 at the Crocus Expo IEC and wish them fruitful work at the event, useful contacts and further success! "

Traditionally, the first three days, from September 21 to 23, entrance to the Leisure "exhibition will be allowed only to specialists in the tourism and hospitality industry and to the press. On September 24, representatives of the general public will be able to enter the international travel and tourism exhibition, which starts the winter season .

The exhibition will host numerous thematic seminars and round tables, as well as Egypt Day, sponsored by the Russian tour operator Natalie Tours. Traditionally, leading tour operators and hoteliers of the United Arab Emirates will take an active part in the Leisure exhibition by presenting their new packages of proposals aimed at attracting more tourists to such a warm and welcoming country at the corporate stands of the tourism departments of the Emirates of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. like the UAE.

At the stand of the Department of Tourism and Commercial Marketing of the Government of Dubai (DTKM), new brochures will be presented prepared by the Russian Emirates Publishing House and providing a lot of useful information about accommodation facilities, places of recreation and entertainment in Dubai, which can be useful for both professionals in the tourism industry and for end consumers of tourism products. See you at the exhibition and wish you all a pleasant stay!

According to information from the official website of the exhibition, the main thematic sections "Rest / Leisure 2010", this year will be:

  • Recreation and tourism, including: winter and summer tourism, excursions, business tours and business trips, children's vacations, study abroad, club tourism, cruises, adventure tourism and sea holidays, safaris;
  • Treatment, spa, wellness programs;
  • Hotel service;
  • Transport services (airlines, car rental, river cruises, railway transport);
  • Computer technology in tourism;
  • Media;
  • Insurance and banking;
  • Education and training / training of specialists in the field of tourism;
  • Maps, literature and travel guides for tourists.

Watch the video: Exhibition - No One There ft. Julian Casablancas 'Official Video' (July 2024).